Interface PriceProviderAdapter


  • PriceProviderAdapter

Implemented by


  • Get the price of the contract tokens in the current chain.


    An array of maps of the contract token prices keyed by the given currencies.


    • contractAddresses: string[]

      Contract address of tokens in the current chain.

    • currencies: string[]

      Currencies of the returned prices, represented as a ISO 4217 currency code in lowercase. Unsupported currencies will be ignored.

    Returns Promise<ContractTokenPrice[]>

  • Get the prices of the native token in the current chain.


    A map of the native token prices keyed by the given currencies.


    • currencies: string[]

      Currencies of the returned prices, represented as a ISO 4217 currency code in lowercase. Unsupported currencies will be ignored.

    Returns Promise<NativeTokenPrice>

  • Get the price of the given tokens.


    An array of maps of the token prices keyed by the given currencies.


    • tokens: FungibleToken[]

      Token objects with either native or contract token type.

    • currencies: string[]

      Currencies of the returned prices, represented as a ISO 4217 currency code in lowercase. Unsupported currencies will be ignored.

    Returns Promise<TokenPrice[]>

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